SAMLAW Newsletter-petition for direct cash assistance to law firms and chambers

petition for direct cash assistance to law firms and chambers
Dear Fellow Members,
Our legal profession has been undergoing difficult times since the coronavirus outbreak. The General Adjourned Period which has been in effect since 29th January 2020 is extended until 5th April 2020.
We write to report that we have written to Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, GBM, GBS, JP, Chief Secretary for Administration and Ms. Teresa Cheng, GBS, SC, JP, Secretary for Justice urging the Government of the HKSAR to expand the scope of the Anti-epidemic Fund so as to include our legal profession and offer direct cash assistance to law firms and chambers in the range of HK$80,000.00 to HK$200,000.00 each. We hope that the proposed cash subsidies to our legal profession will be of help to the industry during this difficult period. We enclose herewith copy of our letters to Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung and Ms. Teresa Cheng and SAMLAW press release dated 23rd March 2020 and 24th March 2020 respectively for your perusal.
We further report that we have expressed our concerns and made suggestions on some arrangements involved in the forthcoming resumption of full court services to the public on 6th April 2020 including the number of cases to be listed for hearing in one hearing day during the first week of the resumption and the health protection of all court users, legal representatives and the Judiciary personnel. We enclose herewith a copy of our letter to The Honourable Chief Justice Geoffrey MA Tao-li, GBM dated 23rd March 2020, the content of which is self-explanatory.
Together we fight the virus! SAMLAW is ready to better help our members and the legal profession hit by the novel coronavirus outbreak.
Yours sincerely,
Ms. Maggie Chan               Ms. Loretta Lo
Founding President            President