2012-05-31 CPD Course Notice__ 工傷及人身傷害糾紛調解課程

CPD Course (1 CPD point being applied for)


講員  :本會創會會長陳曼琪律師,認可調解員

日期  :2012531(星期四)

時間  :下午645分至815分(首30分鐘為酒會,715分至815分為CPD Course

地點  :中環輔道中71號永安集團大廈3字樓香港律師會俱樂部

語言  :中、英文雙語

CPD Point: 1 CPD point being applied for (subject to Law Society’s approval)

費用  :會員免費,非會員HK$400,課程當日即時成為會員者免費(所有參加者更可獲免費餐酒一杯)

            Registration will be considered on a first-come first-served basis. Priority will be given to members of the Small and Medium Law Firms Association of Hong Kong (SAMLAW) and will be opened to non-members. SAMLAW has the absolute discretion to refuse any registration.

            Please fax the registration form to 31570856 or email it to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 on or before 30th May 2012 for registration. Please also send a crossed cheque for HK$400 payable to “The Small and Medium Law Firms Association of Hong Kong” or “香港中小型律師行協會” for course fee if you are a non-member (mailing address: Unit A, 7/F., Chun Wo Commercial Centre, No.25, Wing Wo Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong).


2012-05-31 CPD Course Reply Slip__ 工傷及人身傷害糾紛調解課程